SNRW October 9th Meeting ~ Mark Amodei, Congressman, Speaker
SNRW Sept. 11, 2024, New Member, Melinda Gneiting and Associate Member, Erinn Miller, Speaker, Senator, Dr. Robin Titus, and 9/11/2001, Remembrance. "We Will Not Forget"
SNRW Aug. 14, 2024, Speaker, Jim DeGraffenreid, G.O.P. National Committee Chair, Root Beer Floats made by Dillma Johnson
(photos by Farmer)
SNRW July 10, 2024, Speaker, John Tsarpalas, Pres. NV. Policy Research Institute, "Ranked Choice Voting", Pres. Pat Smith,1st V.P. Leslie Lawson, Charlene Close
SNRW July 10, 2024, Guests, Terri Huffman, Sandy Webb, Auction Winner, Gayle Fahrbach, Attendance Prize, Pam Neumeyer
SNRW July 10, 2024, Attendees: Roseanne Farmer, Charlene Close, Dillma Johnson, Anita Kornoff, Donna Schehl, Carol Del Carlo, Nancy Jarvis, Sondra Condron, Lynn Muzzy, Pat Smith, Lynn Muzzy, Others, Speakers: Jan Muzzy, Virginia Nisse, Jim McKalip, Shawnye Garen, Douglas County Recorder
SNRW Membership Tea, June 15, 2024
Back Row: Roseanne Farmer, Charlene Close, Sheryl Lemke, Leslie Lawson, Mary Porter, Pat Smith, Dillma Johnson, Front Row: Lauren Welch, Gerri Grego, Laurie Trotter, Karen-Linda Bennett, Anita Kornoff, Gayle Fahrbach, Rita Hill, Front: Sondra Condron, Second Picture: Donna Schehl
SNRW Membership Tea, June 15, 2024, Hosted by Anita Kornoff, 2nd. V.P., Membership
SNRW June 12, 2024, Speaker Sheriff Dan Coverly, Leslie Lawson, 1st. V.P., Pat Smith, Pres., Char Close, Meeting Organizer
SNRW June 12, 2024, Helen Yoder, Char Close, Anita Kornoff, Ellie Waller, Pastor Leo Kruger, Sheryl Lemke, Char Close
SNRW June 12, 2024, Alice Garcia's 99th. Birthday Celebration, Roseanne Farmer, Dilma Johnson, Pat Smith, Alice Garcia, and Char Close
SNRW, May 8, 2024, Members, Associates, Commissioners, Visitors, and SNRW Officers, Pres. Pat Smith. Amy Burgans, Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer, Speaker
SNRW Celebrated their HALL OF FAME Entrepreneurs of the Year awards at COD Casino on April 10, 2024. Pictured left to right; 2022 winner Jeannie Burns, her business is Hallelujah Toffee, 2023 winner Pam Horton, Millennium Medical Spa Suites, 2020 winner KIM HARRIS, Western History ALIVE!, 2021 winner Lori Britton, A Wildflower Florist, nominee Shelli Morales, Sage Holistic Wellness, and 2013 winner Ansie Scossa, Aurora Beauty Salon.
SNRW April 10, 2024, Meeting C.O.D. Casino, Room Filled to Capacity
Meet the Justice of the Peace Candidates, Laurie Trotter, and Jeff M. Schemenauer. Entrepreneur of the Year, for 2023, Pamela Horton, Millennium Spa Suites, Ansie Scossa, Jann Fargnoli, Chairperson, and Recording Secretary
SNRW Feb. 14, 2024, Sam Brown, Candidate U. S. Senate, Sondra Condron, Pres. Pat Smith, Sam Brown, 1st. V.P. Leslie Lawson
SNRW Feb. 14, 2024, Sam Brown, Faith Jones, Leslie Lawson, Kate Wallace, Cynthia Sawyer, Donna Schehl, Gerri Grego, Lauren Welch
SNRW Feb. 14, 2024, Dillma Johnson, 2nd V.P. Membership, Anita Kornoff, Jan Muzzy, Laurie Trotter, Candidate for J.P., Jim McKalip, Cynthia Sawyer, Marie Schnock, Jim McKalip, Pres. Pat Smith, Web Master, Rita Hill, Tres., Mary Lou Gervie, Parliamentarian, Kathryn Zogorski, Sally Grant, New Member, Linda Houcin, Virginia Nisse, D.C. Recorder, Shawnyne Garren, Returning Member, Marlene Reinecke, and Audience
SNRW Feb.14, 2024, Jann Fargnoli, Recording Sec., and Chair of the St.Patrick's Day Fundraiser and Selection of the Entrepreneur of Year
SNRW Jan. 10, 2024, Senator Robin Titus, Roseanne Farmer, Donna Schehl, Gerri -GFRSWA1QGrego, Charlene Close, SN. Robin Titus, Leslie Lawson, 1st. V.P., Pat Smith Pres., Mary Porter
NvFRW, Jan. 20, 2024, SNRW Members, Donna Schehl, Charlene Close, Corresponding Sec., Pat Smith, Pres., Anita Kornoff, 2nd. V.P. Membership, Sondra Condron, Past Pres., Caroline Smith Past Pres., NvFRW
NvFRW Jan. 20, 2024, Facilitators for Breakout Sessions, Cher Daniels, Maureen Karas, Kathy Doyle, Barbara Kirk, Shirley Appel
NvFRW Leadership, Jan. 20, 2024, Minden, NV, (pictures in order) Mary Beganyi, Pres., Caroline Smith, Past Pres., Yolanda Knaak, Legislative, Cindy Sassenrath, Regents, Mary Beganyi, History of NvFRW, Caroline Smith, NFRW Info., Barbara Kirk, Treasurer, Cher Daniels, 2nd. V.P. Membership, Phyllis Westrup, Leadership, Mary Beganyi, Building Your Bench, Maureen Karas, Voter I.D., Wendy Elliot, Lobbyist, Schayden Garal, Turning Point USA
NvFRW Leadership, Jan. 20, 2024, Announcements and Misc., Pat Smith, Sondra Condron, Charlene Close, Anita Kornoff, Elinor Lacy, Nancy Carlson, Sheryl Lemke, Gianna Jacks, Library Books, Tracy Hilton-Thomas, Commissioner, District 4, Virginia Starrett, DCRW, Bylaws, NV Caucus Update
SNRW December Meeting Installation of Officers~Christmas PotLuck
SNRW, Dec. 13, 2023, Installation of Officers for 2024, Pat Smith, President. is passed gavel from Natalie Yanish, 2023 President,( lt. to rt.) President, Pat Smith, Corresponding Secretary, Charlene Close, Treasurer Mary Lou Gervie, Recording Secretary, Jann Fargnoli, 2nd. V.P. Membership, Anita Kornoff, 1st. V.P. Programs Leslie Lawson, Past President, Natalie Yanish.
SNRW Dec. 13, 2023, Pot Luck Luncheon, Ugly Sweater Contest Winner Mike Porter,(won a gold fish) Trivia Quiz by Charlene Close, Winner Kory Miller, Sock Collection to distribute to Senior Center, Elephant Purses given to prior and Current Board Members as a Thank You from Natalie Yanish.
- SNRW, Nov 8, 2023, Amy Burgans, Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer, Speaker, Veterans Recognition, Mary Lou Gervie, Treasurer, Amota Kornoff, Membership Chair, Char Close, Mary and Mike Porter, Leslie Lawson, 1st. V.P. Programs, James McKalip, DCRCC
- SNRW, Nov. 8, 2023, Diamond Award and Pin for our Club's Achievements, Presented by Mary Lou Gervie, Committee Chair and President Natalie Yanish
- SNRW, Nov. 8, 2023, Candidate for D.C. Justice of the Peace, Laurie Trotter, Attorney, with Char Close
- SNRW, Nov. 8, 2023, Honoring All Veterans, and Korean War Veteran, 97 years young, Louis Bischofberger
SNRW September Meeting
Aug. 9, 2023, Speaker, Xquisite, Brenda Sanquist, Founder and Ex.Director, Human Trafficking in Nevada, Leslie Lawson, 1st. V. P. Programing and with Char Close
Updates, Interum Treasurer, Marylou Gervine, Recordi ng Secretary, Jann Fargnoli, Pat Smith, DCRCC Chair, Jim McKalip, School Board Trustee, Dave Burns and visitor, Julie Walker. Visitors, Lynn and Jan Muzzy, Anita Kornoff, 2nd V.P. Membership, Carol Swanson, Julie Walker, Leslie and Dave Burns
Aug. 9, 2023, Speaker, Xquisite, Brenda Sanquist, Founder and Ex.Director, Human Trafficking in Nevada, Leslie Lawson, 1st. V. P. Programing and with Char Close
Updates, Interum Treasurer, Marylou Gervine, Recordi ng Secretary, Jann Fargnoli, Pat Smith, DCRCC Chair, Jim McKalip, School Board Trustee, Dave Burns and visitor, Julie Walker. Visitors, Lynn and Jan Muzzy, Anita Kornoff, 2nd V.P. Membership, Carol Swanson, Julie Walker, Leslie and Dave Burns
SNRW July Meeting
SNRW June Meeting
SNRW February 2023 Meeting
Patrick Cates, Douglas County Manager, Speaker, and Jacie Peters, Membership.
Gerri Grego, St. Pat's Raffle Chair, Coat for Raffle.
Sue Jeffrey, Treasurer, Charlene Close, Reservations, Judy Bergandi, Tickets for St. Pat's Dinner, Visitor, Judy Farrell
Jim McKalip DCRCC, Mark Gardner, Commissioner, Trump Autographed Hat with 2023 Elected Officials for Raffle at Lincoln/Regan Dinner
Gerri Grego, St. Pat's Raffle Chair, Coat for Raffle.
Sue Jeffrey, Treasurer, Charlene Close, Reservations, Judy Bergandi, Tickets for St. Pat's Dinner, Visitor, Judy Farrell
Jim McKalip DCRCC, Mark Gardner, Commissioner, Trump Autographed Hat with 2023 Elected Officials for Raffle at Lincoln/Regan Dinner
NvFRW Leadership Workshop, Jan. 21, 2023
NvFRW Leadership Workshop, Jan. 21, 2023, lt. to rt. Pastor Leo Kruger, Invocation, Joan Shoop, Pledge, Caroline Smith, Pres. NvFRW, Phyllis Westrup, Leadership Education, Cindy Sassenrath, Northern Regents Committee Director, Connie Skidmore, NvFRW Parliamentarian, Yolanda Knaak Legislative Education.
NvFRW Workshop Jan. 21, 2023, Keynote Speaker, Matthew Hurtt, Leadership Institute, introduced by Phyllis Westrup
NvFRW Jan. 21, 2023, Attendees from SNRW, Sondra Condron, Past Pres, Anita Kornoff, Newsletter Publisher, Pat Smith, Donna Schehl, Jan Fargnoli, Recording Secretary, Charlene Close, Mary Lou Gervie, Sue Jeffrey, Treasurer, Natalie Yanish, Pres, Katerine Dickerson, Corresponding Secretary.
NvFRW Workshop Jan. 21, 2023, Keynote Speaker, Matthew Hurtt, Leadership Institute, introduced by Phyllis Westrup
NvFRW Jan. 21, 2023, Attendees from SNRW, Sondra Condron, Past Pres, Anita Kornoff, Newsletter Publisher, Pat Smith, Donna Schehl, Jan Fargnoli, Recording Secretary, Charlene Close, Mary Lou Gervie, Sue Jeffrey, Treasurer, Natalie Yanish, Pres, Katerine Dickerson, Corresponding Secretary.
SNRW Virtual Zoom Meeting January 2023
SNRW DECEMBER MEETING with installation of officers for 2023
SNRW Dec. 14, 2022 Installation of Board for 2022-2023 by the Honorable Lori Bagwell, Mayor of Carson City, lt. to rt: Mayor Lori Bagwell, Natalie Yanish, Pres., Leslie Lawson, 1st. V.P. Programs, Jacie Peters, 2nd. V.P. Membership, Jann Fargnoli, Recording Secretary, Sue Jeffrey, Treasuer, Katherine Dickerson, Corresponding Secretary, Sondra Condron, Past President
SNRW November Meeting
SNRW October Meeting
SNRW September Meeting
SNRW August Meeting
July Meeting
Carson Valley Days 2022
SNRW June Meeting 2022
SNRW May Meeting 2022
SNRW April Meeting
St. Patrick Day Dinner 2022
February 2022 Meeting
January 15, 2022 ~ NvFRW Leadership Conference
NvFRW, Jan. 15, 2022, Keynote Speaker, Jim Hindle, NGOP Co-Chair, Gov. Mansion. NvFRW Leadership Conference.
SNRW Attendees, Jan. 15, 2022, Gov. Mansion, Anita Kornoff, Sondra Condron, Jacie Peters, Sharla Hales, Nancy Jarvis, Donna Schehl, Cynthia Sawyer, Jan Muzzy, and Pat Smith
SNRW January Meeting
SNRW December Meeting 2021
SNRW November Meeting 2021
SNRW October Meeting
SNRW's 20th Patriot 9/11 Dinner
August Meeting 2021
July Meeting 2021
Republican Float in the Carson Valley Days Parade 2021
June 2021 Meeting
May 2021 Meeting
April Meeting 2021
SNRW February Meeting
SNRW January 2021 Meeting
November Meeting 2020
October Meeting 2020
September 2020 Meeting ~ We will never forget 9/11
August 2020 Meeting
July 2020 Meeting
June 2020 Meeting
February 2020 Meeting
January 2020 Meeting
November 2019 Meeting
October 2019 Meeting
9-11 Luncheon
August Meeting 2019
July Meeting 2019
June Meeting
May Meeting
Legislature Day Carson City April 2019
April Meeting 2019
February 2019
January Meeting 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October Meeting 2018
August Meeting 2018
July Meeting 2018
2018 June Meeting
Sierra Nevada Republican Women attended the lunch prepared by Culinary Arts students at Douglas High School on May 18. The students and their teacher, along with SNRW members, are pictured in the photo taken at the high school in the area where the delicious meal was served.
At this lunch, SNRW President, Barbara McRoberts presented Culinary Arts Instructor, Kerry Stack with a check to support student activities in her department, and to acknowledge her students’ help arrang-ing facets of the club’s St. Patrick’s Dinner held at St. Gall Pastoral Center earlier this year.
A number of her students had volunteered their time. They set up the tables and chairs, prepared the corned beef, sliced it, cut up the vegetables, presented the dessert, and helped with the clean up chores. Their work was outstanding and very much appreciated.
A number of her students had volunteered their time. They set up the tables and chairs, prepared the corned beef, sliced it, cut up the vegetables, presented the dessert, and helped with the clean up chores. Their work was outstanding and very much appreciated.
April 2018 Meeting
February 2018 Meeting
January 2018 Meeting
August Monthly Meeting
July 2017 Meeting
April Meeting
February Meeting 2017
January Meeting 2017
Barbara McRoberts first meeting as president. Jim Degraffenreid spoke on the legislature and how to access bills on the web. Mary Porter introduced Jim to the assembly. Joe Hoven, precinct leader for Winhaven Area.